Scrapendipity Designs

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Day Twenty-Two

This is hubby working at his second job. He picked it up to help pay off a few bills, but the free rentals alone totally make it worth it! The job is fairly easy, and he has a lot of fun doing it. :) :) (Sorry the pic is out of focus, I didn't take it and there were a bunch taken in the store, but this was the only one of him :) )



Chreamps said...

The color is great and the fringe benefits sound good, too!

Ellay said...

Free rentals? That's pretty good!!

Sarah C. (my4hens) said...

Awesome photo, its so funny I would totally follow my husband to work with the camera if I could LOL. Free rentals def sound like an awesome perk!

Erika said...

Sounds like a fun job!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a perfect job.