Scrapendipity Designs

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bow Tucks Purse

Last weekend I worked like a little worker bee on a purse. Having never made a purse before, I wasn't really sure how it would go. It ended up working out really good though! I was pretty impressed that I ended up with a purse I am actually proud to carry around with me. I love purses, but my problem has always been that I can’t find a fabric I like when buying one. Now that I have made my first purse, I think I might be making all my own from here on out! I can pick my own fabrics, make the pockets the size I need them, and I can be proud that I did it myself!

Here are some pictures. This is an every day purse that carries all my stuff. The pattern I used is called “Bow Tuck.” If you Google that you’ll find plenty of places that sell the pattern (your local quilt shop probably even does), it is a pretty hot pattern right now.

This first picture is the front view.

A side view, my bows ended up a little short, but I think I like them that way actually.

An inside view, I had a lot of fun making the pockets just the right size to fit everything I carry.

A close up shot of the beading I did. The pattern calls for quilting, but I wanted to do something different, so I stopped by the bead store and got some little flower beads and sead beads and put these on instead of quilting the outside.

Happy quilting!

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